How to Respond to Members

When used correctly, ChatGPT does outstanding work.

Please combine your expertise as a therapist with this three-step process to create the best responses humanly possible for our members.

Step 1.) Summarize the Message


To get ChatGPT to summarize a message, copy and paste the message into the highlighted section below and give it to ChatGPT.

Note: You can remove any points you feel are unnecessary.

Hi, ChatGPT!

I received this message from one of my mentees:

[copy and paste the entire message here]

Please outline the main points of this email [bullet points] so I can confirm that you’ve read it before I move on.

For context, the mentee who sent me this email has experienced narcissistic abuse.

Also, when you outline these main points, please do so in the second person. So, say “You” at the beginning of each bullet point.

One last thing: Please write at a 7th-grade reading level. I want you to focus on being simple, easy to understand, and direct.

After you’ve done that, please pause and wait for further instructions.

Step 2.) Draft Your Response


To get ChatGPT to create a rough draft for you, give it this prompt.

Note: This prompt will produce a great response from ChatGPT. But it won’t always be perfect. Please read the response it gives and use your expertise as a therapist to edit it. This will ensure your response is as helpful as humanly possible.

Help me draft a response to this person.

I’m a therapist part of Unfilteredd’s Institute of Healing from Narcissistic Abuse.

The sole purpose of this institution is to help people who’ve experienced narcissistic abuse build a life that is authentically theirs.

My role/responsibility in this process is to help members:

  • Determine the direction they want their life to go.
  • Identify the challenges they may face.
  • Develop strategies for overcoming the challenges they face.

I’m telling you this just for context. You don’t have to mention it in your response, but can you help me craft a response that aligns with my role/responsibility?

In this response, here are two things I would like to include:

1.) Psychoeducation. I want to teach them about the nature of the abuse they’ve experienced, how it affects them, and strategies for healing and moving forward. Not all at once, but please provide some psychoeducation that makes sense based on the message they sent.

2.) Non-directive communication. This refers to a communication style where the communicator does not give direct instructions or opinions to the listener.

Instead, the focus is on listening, asking open-ended questions, and encouraging the other person to express their thoughts and feelings.

My goal here is to facilitate a more open and exploratory dialogue to help this person explore their own ideas and solutions without being guided or influenced by my directives.

One more thing: Don’t try to sound impressive. Your job is to draft a response that communicates clearly, is simple and easy to understand, and uses proper English (American).

3.) Finalize Your Response


Copy and paste the rough draft of your response into the highlighted section below. Then place the entire prompt into ChatGPT.

Note: This prompt will produce a great response from ChatGPT. But it won’t always be perfect. Please read the response it gives and use your expertise as a therapist to edit it. This will ensure your response is as helpful as humanly possible.

Help me respond to this message.

Here’s a rough draft of what I’d like to say:

[copy and paste your rough draft here]

Can you create a final version of this rough draft that I can send them?

Do not change the meaning of the content in the rough draft. Do not leave anything out. Do not change the length of the rough draft.

Your job is to ensure I communicate clearly, be simple and easy to understand, and use proper English (American).